My son K. has been attending the Dash Club since he started school and loves all the activities that he gets involved in there.

He enjoys the swimming or going to dry side, playing games and meeting other people on Tuesday’s and Wednesday when he also goes to bowling at Finieston. On Thursday he enjoys arts and crafts and some drama as well. They take him to and drop him off the venues and it gives me some peace of mind as the staff there are great. It is a great opportunity for all the kids.
Last year the Club also run a summer program during school holidays and a residential during October break and K. loved all the activities that Dash did there. They also run Arts and Crafts Awards and K. managed to get both of them!


A big Massive thanks to all Dash Club organisers and staff involved. Going to Dash has been great for K. because he gets on well with all staff and other pupils who attend it. He comes home happy and always enjoys himself.