About Us
The DASH club is an after school club for young people aged 11-18 with complex needs (learning, physical, sensory or behaviourial difficulties).
The Club offers a wide range of activities designed to promote health, well-being, social skills and self confidence among young people with disabilities.
The Dash Club runs 3 sessions per week from 3pm to 5pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during school term. At the end of each session, the young people are escorted home by trained DASH Club staff in local community transport provided by NATA (North Area Transport Association) and Community Central Halls. We also run holiday programmes during Easter and Summer when funding is available.
Recent News
We're looking for new support staff for our After School Club. Your role will be to support our young people to take part in after-school activities such as swimming, games, art, music and drama Our
Summer Programme
This year our summer programme will run from the 2nd - 12th July. Activities will include: games, dancing, kayaking, den-building, swimming and much more! Our thanks to Shared Care for the funding.
Spring Programme
This year our spring programme will run from the 2th to the 4th April. Activities will include: games, dancing, a vist to an Active Schools session and a canal boat trip.